Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Backyard Rink

My wife taking pictures of me, the funny thing is that this day was a windy day so you don't get to see the struggle of putting a 20X30 ft liner down on a windy day Thanks Honey for not taking pictures of that.

A couple weeks ago I started to build an Ice skating rink in our back yard. This Idea came up because as a child my Dad use to make rinks for us to skate on and I thought since Taylor is taking skating lessons and Jordyn wants to learn how to skate but can't go to any public skate.

I wanted it to bring it home for the kids, like I had it.

Today Taylor put her skates on and was the first to glide on the smoothes sheet of Ice ever, maybe because I ordered the liner from Canada(Thanks Uncle Jeff for the tip), Have you ever skated on Canadian Ice, If not come on over and enjoy it. I also have a fire pit to keep the onlookers warm too :)

Jordyn I need you to hurry home because I want to put you on some skates on you and teach you how to skate like I promissed.


  1. Go Taylor!

    (and good job on the rink Sonny!)

  2. That's so awesome. Taylor is really getting good with those skates. GREAT JOB!
