Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Miracle before Christmas

As people are finding out about Jordyn heading down to St Judes Hospital, We as a family were up celebrating Christmas before Christmas. Tracey and I were asked by Jordyn if we could go and talk to Santa knowing that she would not be "Home" for Christmas, to see if he would visit her house tonight. The moment was a priceless moment just because it came from Jordyn a little girl that has been through so much but still seems to be a normal little girl. The look on her face this morning around 6am was priceless, "I knew he would come for me" she said.

We actually got this photo right before we had to leave for Boston to Logan airport.
Happy Holidays from us to you


  1. What a beautiful family picture! I am so glad Jordyn was able to have a Christmas before she left for the airport. My prayers are with you all as you continue on this journey.

  2. What a beautiful picture! That is awesome you could celebrate Christmas early. So happy you could have that special time together. Thrilled to hear Jordyn went to St. Judes. Hope you will all find peace and good news. Thinking of all of you always. Miss u.

    Amy and family

  3. Oh yeah...I forgot to say something about the Canadian ice patch...LOL That is sooooo cool!!! We would love to come and skate and hang by the fire. Taylor will be a wonderful ice skater and Jordyn will have a good time learning. That is the coolest!! :)
