Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lots to Be Thankful For..........

We realize it has been quite sometime since our last post. But we have been busy enjoying our miracle of life and all that we have been blessed with this past year. So today, on Thanksgiving Day, we wanted to share with you our summer and fall at a glance with pictures. We will forever be greatful and give thanks to God first for all He has given our family. We also thank our family and friends for all your support and prayers through this year.

Another miracle of life....a baby girl.... will soon be added to our blessings in just 2 months!!

We know how precious life is so we will start you off with a pic of all of us on top of the world for all we have been given!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

5 Hours and 30 minutes

In 5 hours and 30 minutes My Wife and Jordyn will be in our arms Finally!!!
Its an amazing day!!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Honey!!!

Today we celebrate my wives birthday. We wish we could be there with you, but since were not. I wanted to bring it to YOU!!
First we started with the Birthday Cookie the girls got her a BIG chocolate chip cookie that actually was still warm when they got it, I guess from what Tracey told me they already ate some of it. I bet it was the best, especially with a glass of milk. UMMMMMMUMMMMM GOOD!!!
For dinner.... If anyone knows Tracey, her favorite food to have on her birthday is Lobster!!!! I still remember the first time I got her a lobster for her birthday YEARS ago :)

That Cookie looks soooooo good!!!

Honey, I thought I was your Prince, is he going to turn into me??

Jordyn is even looking for her Prince!!!! I'm telling Justin Bieber :)

You look like he's a ferocious lion!!! He won't bite.

Boy do these things look good, Babe you did a Great Job cooking them all by yourself, I know you were scared of these ferocious Lobsters but at least you showed them who was boss.
We Love you and Miss you but soon you will be home and then You and I can sit and enjoy dinner together with a nice glass of wine!!!

This morning Jordyn wanted to make Tracey her special birthday breakfast in bed. On the menu was yogurt and a banana and an amazing note.

At the end of the day when your special day is done,and you received all your gifts and all your Happy Birthday wishes. The gift for YOU this year babe, is that you have spent it with one of the most important things in your LIFE!!! That is the "ULTIMATE GIFT"

Happy Birthday Honey,
We Love You

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter 2010

I wanted to write something about Easter this year, but it was kind of hard to put it all together. Little complicated this year but overall we made the best of it. Taylor and I did make it to church and then over Meme's and Papa's for dinner, we got to see the Tim, Amanda, Hailey, Amanda's parents and her brother it was nice and we had a very nice dinner.
I wanted everyone to enjoy the photos of Easter from us.

The last photo is of Jordyns new friend Brooke, Its such a cute picture I had to put it in. Brooke is new to St. Jude, she and her family are just a few weeks in to being diagnosed with a brain tumor they are from Orange County California.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!!!

Today, the meaning of Easter, for million of Christians, is that of honoring and recognizing Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead, and His glorious promises of eternal life for all who believe in Him.

We wanted to wish all of our friends and family a very Happy Easter.
Our traditional egg coloring event was seperated in two different states this year but we still continue to pursue this korky craft. ITS FUN and why not have fun. Pictures below are of Taylors eggs and Jordyns eggs.
These kids are so creative and so loving these eggs are absolutely beautiful and Funny.
We love you all
Happy Easter

Sonny, Tracey, Taylor and Jordyn

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day

How come catching a Leprechaun is so hard to do?? Poor Jordyn has been trying to catch one for years now and Taylor has just given up after her 12 years of it! Those little guys are fast!

Jordyn set up this trap with great suggestions from Sonny! Because according to Jordyn, boys are better at making such traps. So here it is........Jordyn's trap this year......Hope it works!!

While Jordyns is busy trying to catch that Leprechaun. Taylor is enjoying a St.Patricks day feast along with a Green beverage!!! Jordyn I know you said you were mad about not getting to have a Leprechaun dinner :( when you get home Mom and I will make you the best Leprechaun dinner ever.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Awaiting the Journey back Home

Each picture I look into my daughters eyes and see a million different hopes & dreams!! I also see the pain & tears that come with this journey.

I watch and see her wondering what the future holds and wondering when she will be able to go home again.

I see the want of freedom..........freedom from medicine....freedom from hospital visits.....freedom from procedures.......freedom to just be a little girl.........freedom to be able to go back home.

Yesterday was a tough day for me. Jordyn said to me " I feel so tight mommy". I asked her what she meant by that. She said " I just want to be free from these gates....I feel closed in and
I just want to go back home and be a normal girl."

I sat and thought to myself....Such powerful words from a 9 year old girl!

All she longs for is life beyond these gates.

She longs for a life of happiness with her family.

I do believe that life happens exactly how it is suppose to and how it is meant to be. I just pray everyday that God will grant my daughter freedom like a soaring dove....freedom to spread her wings.......freedom so she can be able to take the Road Back Home soon! Home to Jordyn is Happiness!!

Until then, my promise to her and my family is to remain strong, embrace each day full of love and hope, and take each day one at a time, remembering that each day is one day closer to bringing my daughter home........Home to a lifetime full of Love & Happiness!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hope4Jordyn Magnet

We have our Magnet!!!! Do you????

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy 9th Birthday Jordyn

Today is Jordyns 9th Birthday, last week Taylor and I were in Memphis for school vacation, It was an AMAZING!!!! week. We stayed out of the hospital the entire week and spent evert night together. Had dinners, went shopping, I even let Tracey drive the car for the first time and she hasn't driven since she has been down there. The kids were freaking out!!!! :). It was kinda cute. The best part of the trip is that all four of us had a Birthday Party for Jordyn, since Taylor and I weren't going to be there on her actual birthday we celebrated it for the entire week, We had orderves everyday, cake, chicken on the bone, we played pin the nose on the clown we dressed up as Mardi Gras characters FUN,FUN,FUN, we had.

Have a Happy Birthday Jordyn we love you and Miss you lots soon you will be home

Honey, can you give her, her 9 spankings from Taylor and I because if I was there I would be kicking her butt. And also tell her we love her. I'm sure she will have a great day today because she has the Greatest Mom in the world..

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Honor Roll Student

For those who don't know we are again parents of an Honor Roll Student!!!
For the second quarter in a row Taylor has done extremely well in school, considering what this twelve year old girl has gone trough over the past six months she still has astonished us as parents. I want everyone to give Taylor a big hug and a kiss and tell her she is amazing little girl, because she deserves it!!!
As all the family members know Taylor had her hair colored blue, because of last quarters GREAT grades. What will she decide this quarter?? Maybe Green? Maybe Pink?
What ever she chooses it will be well deserved!!
Social Studies- B
English- B+
Health- A
French- A
Wellness- A
Math- B+
Science- B-

We love you
Meme, I hope you have some money put aside!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Today Taylor, Me and two of her friends went sledding at the Amesbury Rec. Park. it was the most perfect day for sledding No wind, 35 degrees, and no rain!!and the sun came out a couple of times. It was a ton of fun seeing Taylor her friends Leona and Sierra have lots of fun playing and laughing I've never gone there and always drove by in the summer wondering how it would be to slide there in the winter. It was well worth it!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Winter is Back

This morning I woke up and opened our curtains to a surprise of mother natures best quality SNOW, My two favorite times of the year are Fall and Winter. This morning winter was back. I love when the snow sticks to the empty branches of winter and the forest is blanketed with this white gold, the sun was not out today but when a fresh snow fall blankets the woods its amazing sight, I LOVE IT. So today I spent most of my day plowing the drive way and shoveling off our decks, such a peaceful day but at the same time too peaceful. I miss the chaos of siblings fighting my wife telling me to come inside, or she's sending me to Alaska(I would love to go there and she knows it)
Today I think of my wife and kids and how much I miss the other half of my family.
Honey I took these photos for you because I know you miss home, and you would love to see what winter looks like at our HOME

I love you both SOOOOOO much and I miss you even more....

Friday, January 15, 2010

Faith, Love & Hope

Faith is something our family is devoted to "a belief in God"......Love is what our family holds dear "deep attraction, feelings, and commitment to one another" and Hope is what all of us have been holding onto to "the feeling that what is wanted can be had"!!

Jordyn's bone marrow aspiration shows that as of today, January 15th, there are no leukemia blast in her marrow....she is 100% donor cells! Certainly there is still a long road to travel. One in which I try to find the right balance between optimism and reality with cancer. Today is such a day to say.....a miracle is in the making! She has fought this fight for so long and has shown all of us what strength and courage really means. Jordyn said to me today.."this is the best day of my life. I heard my cancer is gone and I got to see Carrie Underwood".

Today was Country Music Cares Day here at St Jude and she indeed had Carrie Underwood come into her room to spend some time with her today. Also, Randy Owen, from Alabama also came in and talked with Jordyn. A few years ago, Randy Owen started raising money for St Jude with Country Music Artists. He created a song that is completely Jordyn's life story. It's called "Braid My Hair". Take a moment to listen to it online.!! It rings so true to Jordyn....she just wants to take her mask off and breathe air....but most of all she just wants to Braid her Hair. Well, after today's news we are certainly going in the right direction.

This has been such another long road for all of us involved. However, I do want to thank my Husband for creating a blog for our family to keep our extended family and friends all up to date about home life. Because in reality....home still stands for Taylor and Sonny. I miss those two people soooo much and Jordyn and I can't wait to be back home with them again. Jordyn and I have come so far because of all the strength and support we receive from everyone. Thank you , Thank you and Thank you!! Most of all, I personally would never be able to go down this road again so gracefully without the support I receive day in and out from you Sontaya! You are my rock! I love you more than you will ever know! Taylor, you also inspire Mommy by being so strong as you have been throughout the years. You are also an incredible and strong soul to have gone through this so many times of being apart from us. I love you too more than you will ever know! People also see your compassion and care for your sister that brings others to tears. Thank you for being the best sister anyone could ever have.

Keep up the fight Jordyn! The road is still long but what a way to keep amaze all of us baby

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year

Hello to you all and Happy New Year !!!!! so sorry I have not posted a blog in some time. Its been a crazy few weeks for Tracey and I, we as a family are still getting use to be so many miles apart, it use to be we could see each other with only an hours drive, not so anymore, We stay positive and strong for each other because we have no other choice. So Christmas and New Years came and went, as most of you have taken down the Christmas lights, decorations, Tree's, here at this house it is still Christmas and will be till the day Jordyn and Tracey come home from Memphis. I still catch myself turning on the Christmas Tree and the outside Christmas lights. When I say Christmas came and went, I mean it. Everything is still the same since the day they left here. I want it to feel like they never left, I want the decorations up I want the tree still standing, everything the same. As you know we went down to see Tracey and Jordyn in Memphis for Christmas, it was so nice because we weren't sure if it was going to work out because of Jordyns transplant, God must have been watching over us. "It was an interesting trip" as Taylor says. First we get to Logan and we go trough security and low and behold guess who gets stopped to have baggage check??? Me!!! Not thinking as I was packing the night before and my suitcase full of all kinds of things you name it, it was in there, as everyone is aware my wife NEEDS her hair supplies, Shampoo, gel, hairspray,conditioner. As the most wonderful husband in the world I pack 3 of each and put it on my carry on luggage. You know where I'm going with this.... So I put it on the belt to go trough security, of course my bag gets pick to get searched, One bottle after another taken out of my bag. Security says to me you know you can't these on the plane, and just then I slap myself in the head, We have to discard all of these items he says to me ARE YOU KIDDING I SAID TO HIM. Do you know what my wife will do to me if I don't bring these to her??? We'll the only thing you can do is check the bag in so you can keep the items. I go and check the little carry on I had, then I had to go back through security. Needless to say we finally got on our plane and were headed to Atlanta Georgia. We landed in Atlanta and knowing that we had a 2 hour layover we decided to just tour the airport, as we were walking I decided to look at the screens that show flights and their status, I notice that our flight was delayed for an hour. No big deal just one hour, Well............. one hour turned into 10hrs. Our flight got canceled due to maintenance. Finally around 11:30 central time we arrived in Memphis. Our trip was one to remember but that is not all. We had an incredible Christmas, Santa came to all of the rooms to see the kids and he also was kind enough to bring Taylor some gifts. We went to the Memphis zoo to see the Christmas lights, We went to Graceland, really cool, Taylor was kinda moody about it but it turned out she loved it. When would we ever get to see where Elvis lived?? We were there for 8 days and they were the most wonderful days we could of had. But as I said this trip is not over. On the day before we were leaving at about 4:30pm. We got into a car accident, First of all before I tell the story, let me make it clear that down there traffic lights are like the size of baseballs and they are every 300ft. So I ran a red light and all I could here was a BIG bang and Taylor screaming, after the dust had settled and knowing that we were alright, I get out of the car and yelled,"I WANT TO GO HOME". The next morning we stopped in to say our goodbyes. I think back to all that happened and I thank God for letting us see Tracey and Jordyn for the Holiday and also keeping us safe in the accident. We miss you both very, very, much I Love You Honey "Laughter is Love" "Our Love is our Strength"